Tuesday 30 April 2013

Two idiots

Damn it was a funny and I love today :)

Went for breakfast with hxms' @ Yishun 啊啊啊* coz of my cravings last night! Hahaha it was nice but I prefer toast box butter bun (I can remember the butter taste)
Started with ree tutorial, man it was a funny one. This time this tutorial was easy, those simple questions only. Finished going through tutorials and it was only 3/4 of an hour. We had this pictionary game and we're split into two groups! The "girls" group and the "guys" group and apparently preston wenjun and yonghan are the extra "girls" hahaha had fun though!

Didn't had break luckily I had breakfast.
Went for mr hehehe's lesson! Haha so so funny sia. Wanted to reserved a seat for yilin to sit behind sc hahaha but she didn't.  Sc was sad hahaha and I remembered him said "it was nothing but the truth" to something joey and I can't remember :( (no fun no fun)

And at another instant sc wants to borrow pencil and convo goes like this : "go borrow from yl" "she too far" "oh so if she's here you will borrow from her?"-joey "if she's here no need borrow liao, just take"-me "ya"-sc
HAHAHA What a weird guy.

Then we had hmt tutorial! HAHAHA teacher talk until no sound hahaha ok questions are MANAGEABLE only when teacher is present. WHATS THIS. HAHAHA ok nvm got homework for hmt by friday!

Did hmt lab report,  wasn't in the mood for reports idky. Slacker is out probably. HAHA
Was very hungry at 3 so had some malay food! Wah I guilty sia so much carbs. :(

Do report halfway, sc and the other guys going play basketball! Our group went there too, initially wanted to watch them olay as we do our work! But we ended up watching and did not even touch on our report hahaha well there's six more days I hope we can squeeze time out! :/

People who are playing: Eric, Weixiang,  Firdaus, Ralph, Sungchang,  Yonghan, Chesheng.
Well played guys! Didn't know some of them were that good and this is the first time I see the class guys played basketball! Time to bond them tgt thru sports! Haha but there were times that they were so funny while playing. 1) yonghan hugging chesheng to prevent cs to catch the ball
2) sungchang cannot shoot in while the others can (front half of the entire play)
3) eric keep tyco shoot in from very far (idk that's how many points though)
4) those that pick up the ball are ballet dancers hahaha

Oh but cs hurt his hand :(((
Poor thing.

Took some pictures when the guys are playing :)  GOOD JOB GUYS :-)

Went to south canteen to find the other girls that are doing lab report. Haha we this group damn slacker sia!

Ok finally got my LINE thingy solved!
Oh ya I saw that you used the pic that I took for you for your pic in LINE. Haha aww

Went for dinner at Northpoint food court with wyl. She wasn't feeling well though. Had dessert at there coz was still full.
Went to buy panadol with her and also sent her home until her unit! Take care la you!!!!

Gff very bhb hor u. If you want pic must say earlier if not I feel like a stalker taking picture of people. HAHA SORRY YOU ARE NOT A SUPERSTAR HAAHAHA

Ahh so paiseh sia I thought these two people are Chinese so I speak mandarin to them in the end they are korean hahaha facepalm. I hold the lift for them la hahaha

Went home do hmt!! Haha so proud of.myself getting the correct answer sia! Stomach growling alr!! Hahaha ok did some work, got my leftover hmt tutorial and lecture notes from jc! Thanks for coming down! 

Excited for tmr! PLEASE DONT RAIN THANK YOU :-)

Ok good night sleep early if not tmr early early got people disturb my sleep sia hahaha

Oh ya 1) 唐老鸭的老婆是唐老鸡
2) Winnie the Pooh 的女朋友是在飞机上非常漂亮的女孩子
3) One dont know how to spell idiot one dont know how to write 白痴
I had fun today!

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