Thursday 26 December 2013

What am I up for

Updates and plans coming soon:

  • Was searching photos of Daphne and I because I wanted to make a collage for her birthday today and I found many pictures and miss more people after I browsed through those pictures from my previous FB account. I think I really left a lot of memories there, :(
  • I miss many people, many memories, many friends, many moments and many more...Like from the Graduation Ceremony in SLSS, Prom with SLSS, Marina Barrage with sec school class, some of them came to my house during CNY this year, Pan Pacific work with wyl, National Museum with CG, CNY 2012 with relatives at 833, went out with Hamizah a few times and I really miss her, Commissioning Ceremony 2012, first National Day Celebration in NYP, SEA Aquarium trip with class, ECP trip with CG, Gardens by the Bay with CG, Pizza Hut trip with CG at Toa Payoh, Very first SP presentation and we're in our formal attires, Faheem's house gathering (I), Faheem's house gathering (II) - BBQ day, 17th Birthday celebration in school, 18th Birthday celebration in school at L'Rez and many more......
  • Thursday (26th Dec) wanted to go for a swim, left house around 1 plus and ate lunch at Subway then realised that it was raining in the afternoon :( Walked around at Northpoint, bought a bag and also the kueh and finally decide to head home. When I reached my place downstairs, it stopped raining. Probably will try again tomorrow.
  • Should really start to shop for CNY clothes if not next week won't be free cause of e-learning. (E-learning reminds me of many things to do :()
Plans coming soon:

  • 27th: Tomorrow probably going to swim (please don't rain kay love you)
  • 29th: Maybe going for Show Luo at Novena
  • 30th: Sing K with classmates
  • 31st: Going for Countdown Party at Marina Bay Sands

卢巧音 & 王力宏--好心分手

Wednesday 25 December 2013

i miss you.

Just wanna write out what's on my mind lately.
It has been you these days and I have totally no idea why.
For the past few days I realized that I might lost a gem like you.

From the:

  • unknown number that called/text me in the middle of the lesson during secondary school
  • Meet ups to teach you maths but in the end I never really did (in RP and Woodlands library)
  • to the continuous texting until I realized that there's so MUCH overseas charge
  • 不放心 cause you're going to China and I flying to Phillipines, and you even typed a paragraph of words just to ensure that if Im bored/miss you, I can refer to that paragraph.
  • fight (I don't rmb what were we fighting for)
  • comparing of you and jw, and I can't give you an answer (if I remember correctly)
  • birthday present on a Friday in the school canteen
  • misunderstanding when you put you and your cousin's photo as your Fb profile picture just to protect your cousin 
  • upgraded text to Whatsapp 
  • still kept in contact when you ended your N Level and I was in Year 1
  • was so excited when you said you're entering NYP 
  • to the saying "hi" whenever I see you in school (poly) 
I mean, time really changes us since secondary 2/3. 
It has been 3-4 years since we know each other. I guess a part of me missed your presence, your warmth, your concern and your hilarious-ness.

I might be a little too over to put this into a blogpost today even though we both know we are not an item, but I just wanna pour my feelings out a little so that I can feel a little better today.

I remembered, there's actually many times that you asked me to be your girlfriend (either directly or indirectly) but I didn't agree. At that time there were a few reasons why I didn't accept, and I really mean why I didn't accept.

I mean, of course, if this is your first time you will have a million thoughts like:
  • what will happen if we're together
  • what will other people think
  • are you sure I can fit him?
  • are you sure he can fit me?
  • what if I regret?
  • will we still be friends if we broke up?
Questions like this kept lingering in my mind at that time. 
And there were thoughts like:
  • "aiya, if he likes me he will definitely wait for me until I accept"
  • If I reject and he never leave me then it proves that he loves me.
"I think I might be just 'lack of love'"

Not family/friends/relatives love, but relationship love.


I don't know why but recently I keep dreaming of you and I have no idea what are the dreams hinting me. Is it telling me to stop thinking about what's not gonna happen or is it telling me about what am I supposed to do or say or act or is it telling me that I should go for it.....

Dream on the 24th December, 2013:

There's a lot of people around me and suddenly my brother and I was brought into a black condo, whole thing black. We were given our rooms and you were in the crowds of the people that were brought into the condo.
After given our designated rooms, we started unpacking. Then I realised that the condo was your house. My brother and I was the guests that were brought into your condo.
When I walked out of the room, I saw many people walking around the corridor and you were in your room, diagonally from mine. I asked for a small bowl and you gave me a bowl and you told me "this bowl can fit 8 eggs/chicken/balls"...

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Give me my well-deserved break.

Guess there's a lot to update since my last blogpost was on W6 and now it's W10!

People I love:

I really love people that make my day in school because without them I will be nothing and I don't wanna be nothing. They are the ones that made my day and make me happy without fail with all those silly jokes, random doodling on my paper, song lyrics all over my paper, constantly writing what is happening every minute on my paper, laughing at someone's dressing, typos, hairdos, tutorials on IG on "How to eat pocky...", "How to tie hair...", "How to showcase torn gloves.." or "How to use shoebag and sleeping bag as guns" etc, then to the epic photo, dance, pose of the day.

I can proudly say, these are the people I love.

“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.” 
― Muhammad Ali
Every soul in that particular picture has helped me, in many ways, to become who I am today. I've learned many things from the start of my poly life, to this day. Today might not be the best day to thank every one of them but I might forget what I want to write when the time comes.


So now it's the holidays and why I titled this blogpost as "Give me my well-deserved break" because for the past 7-8 weeks studies has been tough. Don't know it's just me or everybody feels the same way as me too but nothing interest me this semester. Probably because of the modules or it may be because my friends became funnier. I don't know why.

The reason why:

You see, from the start we're already playing our way through almost every lecture and tutorials. Or maybe I can use the worst/fun-est (if there's a word like this ), which is FWE lecture and tutorials.
Cause from the first lecture someone (i forgot who) decided to bring in some snacks (which i think, for the amount, it is valid). And yep, the quantity and quality of food that is brought in increase drastically for every lesson till now. Snacks ranging from pocky, long sour candy, m&ms, mentos, crackers and many more. I don't think I can remember all of them but for the amount that we've brought in, this time round, it is the most.
Since his lecture is after lunch time and you know the canteen will always be crowded during lunch time, while having breaks during lecture, my friends will bring in chicken drumsticks, packed rice and whatnots to eat. But the teacher never say anything~

I miss school:

Talking about school, canteen, LTs makes me miss school. The environment that I can consider my second home. I mean, I really don't mind staying up in school late just to complete reports or purely studying, provided I'm with good company. Even on weekends and holidays, we will go back to study and/or meet up for projects. 

Me and my accomplishments:
  • Ordered Pizza Hut on a Saturday because we're bored of studying fwe and some of us don't have dinner at home. 
  •  Lie on the floor of LTR2 because we're tired of studying DPP and RS
  • Walked around South Canteen with a tissue sticked in my nose
  • Playing waves twice at South Canteen on a Saturday (and there's people watching)
  • Bidding for Eric's body idky
Common Test:

Common Test was bad. I wasn't in the mood for Common Test. I feel better if I don't have to take the non-examinable ones. Not because I think that it's redundant la, but 3 modules already stress enough provided the time to study and no study breaks during this semester. Everything's so packed! My motivation to study came when I was studying for my last CT paper which is RS(which might be the most interesting one for me till now, other modules are.......speechless). But I mean, at least it came, if not I won't have interest for anything already. Oh did you realised? Even Maths is not on my side now. I'm doubting myself for getting an A for final exam for Maths now, just hoping that I can.

Something New!
  • X Factor is coming to an end! Final result on this Thursday! Left with Jeff Gutt, Alex & Sierra and Carlito Olivero. I really hope Alex & Sierra will win this season's X Factor! 
  • I'm finally opening the tub of hair treatment cream Celes's mum gave me after 5 months and it works miracle! 
  • I've recently dreamt of people that I miss, probably they missed me too :)
  • Just realized I like to listen to clubbing songs when studying, etc Timber - Pitbull ft. Kesha
  • The two lovely dovely couple is back together! (Uh I knew it hahaha)
  • Packed my room after the "war" has ended.
Picture Time:

Nothing much, just ART taking OOTDs. Hehehe

Dajie and my torned gloves during RS lab.

One of the Wednesday where I had one hour break before DPP so that I can slack with them. Then we saw the other girls from LS side so we decided to take picture with them.

Took a picture with Keith when we saw him in the canteen (one of the rare days)

With my dearest 5y/o during FWE tutorial (now you know how boring the tutorial was)

Slacking in one of the empty tutorial room and had our mini singing session and ukelele by joschua.

Three pictures in a role, at Grandma's when almost all of them were present.

Cannot remember when was this but Ralph was wearing very nice before this.

Went NEX for dinner with them and after that we had lots of fun at the top level playing charades.

One of the Mondays after DPP having brunch and doing PIC lab report at the canteen. If you can spot, Faheem's in the background!

AC tutorial~

I don't really know what happened here but we were just squeezing our way up to the canteen and Agnes got squashed by us and I decided to take a photo.

Famine Camp!
Was actually expected more fun games from the camp but well, it was still fun meeting new friends and having bonded cheers. :)

Thursday 21 November 2013


Dayre not nice to use.
Because upload very slow plus each post will have word limit.
Nvm then shall stick to blogging.

I wish I have the time to blog everyday so tgat I can look back and see what happened at this day. But oh well nvm I'm too lazy to do that right.

Let's start with today.
So dreading and can't wake up in the morning. Laziness plus redsea equals to Tina S.
So yeap.

Ac lecture this wyl idk what she doing lor, she at there play play play with her marker pen until she own self draw until her palm and thigh also dunno.
When she found out, her face is priceless HAHAHAHAHAHA

moral of the story don't play with your marker pen that has a loose cap.

Tuesday: went to serangoon with yh aashiq and Ralph for Ralph to have a hair cut there. Shiq was the one who told the hairdresser what to cut. Waseh.
Yeah ended up not bad but idky his symmetry face makes him look like ken doll Haha sorry.

Had pizza hut for dinner and we made it feels like aashiq is eating with himself because yh wanted to tag aashiq using aashiq's phone hahahahaha

So funny de ppl. Yeah then after dinner we walked around for a while then we head up to the upstairs open space we lepak there and played charades.

Hahaha so fun. Got videos in Ralph's phone and also the way they act it out very funny hehehe

That night not enough sleep :/

Wednesday: gsm, fwe lab, rs tut, dpp. Walao dpp we all like half awake zombie already. Really. Faheem was there nodding his head and I barely can open my eyes.

Then got quiz ended at 5:30 idek what was I doing even though books are open and WA is open. lolol

Head out to the canteen and do rs lab with them and also had subway for dinner.

Saw senior fifi when he was walking towards south canteen and also took a picture with him and Joey hehehe

Saturday 2 November 2013


I know I've tons of work to do, not to mention about the datelines and presentations dates that are coming.
It was a good week, we were back to normal but of course things aren't that pleasant if you were to talk it all out. I admit i myself did things wrong to result in a barrier between us, but this does not mean that you should judge me.

Obviously people would not say, "hey you are fat, let me judge you" Duh of course not. But they will, (I will do this too) talk bad about this person behind their back and/or with their friends who dislike that person.

I guess the next step of what I should do, is admit.
Admit that I'm such a loser.
Admit that I don't have the courage.
Admit that I'm afraid to trust people so easily.
Admit that I'm just a coward.

I know change is good. But sudden change?? Very hard to be comfortable to sudden change.
Probably just need to take things slowly....and see how things goes.

I don't know why but I dislike people who take their own sweet time to decide on something that does not need so much time to decide.
I don't have all the time to wait for you to decide where you're going so as to let me go first.
If it's not related to me, or, I'm not included, just let me go.

Maths lesson was so boring we started to fold paper hearts and laughed at teacher's cough (we're bad i know)
RS lab briefing
Maths tutorial was hilarious when teacher was marking attendance i suggested to joey to wear the mask when teacher is calling her name. LOL he no reaction + he say "It was yesterday.."
Then some of them wanna go to the female before break, teacher say wait for a while, I shouted "burst already" then teacher look down on the floor HAHAHA
Then during break he let them go, he say "quickly before it floods" HAHAHA

After maths lesson i was craving for Chix rice (was hungry also) then when we reached the mrt station, raagini and I went into 7-11 to buy some snacks to eat. Then before that we saw yihao wenjun wx and eric walking into the yck station already then i told wj to wait for us (:P)
Idk what's up with them maybe it's purely out of kindness/friendship la XD

Already submitted my form for Famine Camp on 15-16th Nov! Hehehe pulled wj to go with me XD
Today then I know jl is going YAY

Found my last time fav song:
Red- Daniel Merriweather.

Thursday 31 October 2013

I can totally relate if you're feeling jealous or just disliking the sight of someone sitting so close to him.