Wednesday 24 April 2013

Haven't blog cannot sleep!

Alright! In the morning I don't even feel like wake up for school coz I have a feeling of losing out alr :/

One lecture and gsm today. Gsm food culture teacher gave lollipop and oreos hahaha tcher like santa claus came earlier! Ahahah. Biz gsm did skme research lor!

Cannot tahan the heat leh these few days.
Actually planned to go swimming afterwards but the weather don't let us go :( oh well. Told yl about what happened well she looks mad at first, maybe she expected more my story! :/ sorry but I can't let out more coz' it will ruin my/your/our frienships.

Went to her house and slack till 9plus. She cooked pasta and fried dumplings for me hehehe so sweet right. Couldn't thank her more who is like a sister to me, a part of family already. :)
Slack a while, she copied ree notes I did some ree writings.

I only remember we kept laughing coz of out little small jokes like "eh u never put water can boil ah?" "Put the whole bag of the dumpling into the pan" and many more.
Really thankful for that :')

Reached home. Wth why u give me the black face as if I did something or I owe you money like that. Just asked about why is the laundry basket toppled then you give black face....ok lor. Fine. Whatever. -.-

I now hungry already :/

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