Thursday 18 April 2013

Thursday most funny lecturer ever

Wait. Everytime I blog on that day I must think of what lesson I had in the morning till the end of the day. Or on weekends maybe think of what time I wake up.
Oh so (checks time table)
Had maths lecture in da mornz! Wah luckily she didnt go the speed she went on Tuesday sia if not all die.
Then we had THE MOST FUNNY LECTURER's lesson! Hahaha u know what, at first we really thought he is those very strict one coz he very strict on attendance. But then as time goes by in that one hour plus, his funny part came out! Most funny part, our maths teacher came and crashed his lessons right in the middle of his teaching....then he was like "who's that" someone replied "ms lee, maths lecturer" then he quickly said "from where?" HAHAHAHA faiezin fabian they all turned back look at me hahaha omg so funny FROM WHERE. WHERE CAN A TEACHER COME FROM? HAHA

End of school. Went bookshop get notebook (again I know) coz really, the quality of thr paper really affect my mood of studying! HAHA

Went home, bought milk tea, bathed, and hide in room (on aircon) and do work! Work is coming!!!
Ok till then!
Excited for Saturday! ;)

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