Sunday 21 April 2013

Late people are always gonna be late

Supposed to meet lq at smb at 1045 ended up only see him and yt at 2plus??? Hahaha coz lq kena lock in his house because yt took two keys out- hers and his. Hahaha trap inside house!

While waiting I had lunch at mos smb luckily they never chase me out leh hahaha I stayed there for nearly three hours at did some fpm and dpp. At least not wasting time!

Reached celes's house and eat again at some cafe in ssc top level cost around 50 for four person hehe~ loving the rice, desserts and the bread with ham and cheese!

After that came back celes's house and went for swim with lq while yt was giving tuition.
Swam 10 rounds,  ok la better than nothing.

Now im blogging while feeling very sleepy coz of the swim haha

Ok later going grandma house for dinner.

Reached grandma house, lying on the bed. Around eight plus I finally get up for food!

Usual things...

Did some dpp work at midnight,  at least three quarter of it!

Homed. Bathed. Sleep.

Woke at 11:40 the next day.

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