Monday 29 April 2013

Monday madness

Reached yck just on time!
Allen liew's tutorial to kick start the day!
MY FIRST TIME FORGOT TO BRING TUTORIAL SIA WO BEI YUAN WANG LE. I got do le! Just that really forgot to bring :(((((
Heng he never scold scold.

Hmt lab! Hahaha omg fate sia this two yl and sc hahaha everywhere also see them tgt, 有缘就是有缘. Damn funny keep paparazzi-ing the both!

Maths tutorial kinda relax relax. Even her mini lecture doesn't seems so stress anymore! Good point! Hahaha most funny part is the teacher very kaypo also la. We say what she also listen then she say dont talk other things during her class.  HAHAHA "I like zoo" "he's married" "then how?" HAHAHA WELL DONE U SUCCEED ENTERTAINING US HAHA

After maths went for ree's lab! Long time no see mr zul hahaha same keep disiao people. Wah purposely or what...give my group the hardest lab sia! Haha we five girls spend almost two hour screwing screwing screwing and screwing sia! Hahaha they called me spanner. HI IF YOU WANNA FIX YOUR HOUSE TOILET BOWL PLZ CALL ME. HAHAHA

Stayed back to do lab report for euo. And yes we're done :-) kinda stucked on how to conclude coz the practical data is not parallel to the theoretical definition hahaha

Train's so packed hahaha

Got home. Porridge for dinner :-) hungry me finished it all hehehe was scrolling thru insta and saw a pic of food that we once had that for our breakfast coz we had morning shift work! Miss that toast box :-p

Tmr waking up early to meet yl for breakyyy at 啊啊啊 (yakun) for breakfast hehehe yay

Had fun.

Guess what we're left with are laughters

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