Tuesday 23 April 2013

Damn stress alr

Trying to squeeze time to write even though I have limited time now.
Still, I had fun with the clique.
Stress stress stress. Omg how to describe this stress. It's like suddenly putting you in a new environment,  teaching methods aren't the same anymore, modules getting tougher and tougher.

I wish I could just break down but no, break down means defeated. I will not give up. This is not the end, this is only week 2! Cmon I can do this like how I survived studying for 11 years!

Went for the "I appreciate" at the auditorium and wrote on post its on what we appreciate :) senior fifi, fifi, faheem, asyura and atikah were there with us :-)

Slack around audi after a while.
Went for eating (too late for lunch too eadly for dinner) at macs there. Ate pizza and loklok hahahaha reached home eat dinner (no rice).

Did some stressed work wah I feel so downnnnnn almost cried.

:( you're not helping. You never will. You dont even try. Thanks ah. -.-

Ok tmr go learn maths!! Must get it right before it starts crashes with other things! Then go swim (probably the last time in this sem, too stress no time no time), then go eat pasta and talk talk talk! :/

P/s che sheng's alarm should have rang by now (12am)
P/p/s I don't wanna be behind of anyone that are behind of me now. *pray*

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