Thursday 4 April 2013

human nature | Sum up five days

I am not saying that you're not good enough.
I guessed this is my life; about giving too much, expecting too much in return and then in the end disappointing myself.

I once thought, that doing good is beneficial for both parties.
I don't wanna prove myself wrong cos' I believe that this rule is applied to everyone.
Just because something is not yet here doesn't mean that it's not coming.

Part of me disagree with this.
Some will be like "Why are you believing this shit when it will not happen?"
Others will say "Oh continue believing, it will happen one day"


ok blank, wait till i accumulate more things to talk about then i'll edit this space.

4/4 realized that I had been out for four days straight. Like from sunday to wednesday ah ah ah omg
Kinda tired going out, it's okay if you've gotten what you need/want but like.... if it's wasting time outside I would rather stay at home nua on bed, watch running man, blog or like, sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
2/4 went to redeem my oh precious laptop. Lenovo why you so many problems haish. If i knew earlier i will get Asus man! Ok maybe (maybe only) try to save to get a new one, walao and cheaper than 1.2k zzzzz luckily my phone is alive and kicking! hahahaha that's my only way out bleh boredom ma what you want me to do ahhhh.
Sunday 31/3 out with bel and raymond (i didn't know bel was cmg initially aiya raymond never tell me hahaha), we went taka coz they wanna get Vans (was having offer @ taka). Yeahh i didn't buy any coz already have three pairs of new shoes hehehe.
Head for lunch lolol funny part was we can't come into agreement on where to have lunch omgg ok in the end went to this idk what's the name of the restaurant, it's some Japanese curry restaurant @ 313 B3 hahaha at corner corner.
After that went to watch GI Joe. Two days after that day i asked lq about that movie he said for the action it's good but the storyline is no-no. Okay...then i was like thinking "huh i thought very nice leh" HAHA
but sadly the movie was unexpectedly shorter than what i thought la!
Proceeding to FEP bel went to find her friend working there, we were almost lost hahahaha three of us were like "i am not a town person" "me too" "me too" HAHA ok we never really lost la coz' in the end we found our way after lots of  "here meh? no la i think there. " "really meh but i think is here leh"
LOLOL everytime i am at FEP i sigh a little coz' all the pretty clothes there are either too small for me if not too expensive hais why like this. I can either become "smaller" LOL or richer. Oh man
Bought dingdingtang there hehehe then raymond was happily eating corn haha. Most hilarious line i ever heard coz we couldn't find seats "eh you go ask the customer service where to find the nearest chair" HAHA
in the end walk a few steps to the left from the customer service TADAAA hidden seats YAY!
Went Causeway Point (ftw!) for dinz hehehe pastamania at b1. Then go home sleep!

Monday 1/4 Swimming with lq (blogged already)

Tuesday 2/4 Went to collect my dearest lappy. Wasn't hungry but managed to grab a few bites of the banana "biscuit" (amazing how i still rmb what i ate a few days ago hehehe) before heading out around noon. So the long bus ride from Yishun to Bukit Timah (always imagining if there's someone to accompany me during the long ride boohoo) Yeah collected so actually planned to cck lot1 for some shopping??? It was raining :( Bus 67 was the one to go to cck but it went off right after i saw it hahaha #badluck but i assume that it's full. So i thought okay maybe i wait for the next 67....the next 67 was so packed and i think only a few of them get in, none got out of the bus. So in the end i took 171 which ended up at Yishun hahaha
Spent 50 bucks at cotton on yishun haha okay better than nothing :P

Wed 3/4 Oh ytd, out with wyl! Legs were almost numb leh. Vivo > Chinatown > Nex > Home. Crazy.
Vivo f21 not open leh :( Cotton On nothing impress me although it's bigger there. Egg tarts and fish soup for lunch haha and a lot of food in between the places we went. Tempted to buy shoessss okay that's not the point hmm we got two pairs of socks and two cute notebooks for jos (bday 7 april). Don't know if it's enough. Chinatown we start eating, first up, the don't know what bao three for 2.50, got beef pork and jiucai. Then wyl went to buy (something that i've never heard before, probably china stuffs) haha and i took two jellies from the shelf :P
Ok then we dk where to go already. Went into this guilinggao shop and ate the guilinggao there. Big one for 8 and small one for 5.5. The saleperson said that it is very good for your health and body, there's even people who eat it everyday!
Next we ended up at nex because she never eat macarons before. Brought her to Nex The Icing Room and she bought three macarons hahaha, caramel, earl grey and something else i forgot. Walked around Nex and went into CO (again) haha ended up bought a pair of jeans for 20.
Before even leaving Nex we go for papaya hahaha fav sia!
Rushed home for dinner mum cooked.

Thurs 4/4 woke up early for gsm registration haha
Woke up 730 wah my eyes cannot open (coz i scared it's at 8)
Checked at 8, not yet open, went back sleep till 855 then wake up for regi at 9.
Sigh up till now i only know that Firdaus yihao and cw same as me omg no one already? Sien
And you're not helpingggg zzz
Watched Rm139 haha so hilarious Gary shouldn't have change his seat in the first place coz' then there will be MC!
Went for lunch at 3 came back home at 4 hahaha did i eat for one hour? Did i?
No la kiddingz
Tmr waking up early again!

Till then x


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