Tuesday 30 April 2013

Two idiots

Damn it was a funny and I love today :)

Went for breakfast with hxms' @ Yishun 啊啊啊* coz of my cravings last night! Hahaha it was nice but I prefer toast box butter bun (I can remember the butter taste)
Started with ree tutorial, man it was a funny one. This time this tutorial was easy, those simple questions only. Finished going through tutorials and it was only 3/4 of an hour. We had this pictionary game and we're split into two groups! The "girls" group and the "guys" group and apparently preston wenjun and yonghan are the extra "girls" hahaha had fun though!

Didn't had break luckily I had breakfast.
Went for mr hehehe's lesson! Haha so so funny sia. Wanted to reserved a seat for yilin to sit behind sc hahaha but she didn't.  Sc was sad hahaha and I remembered him said "it was nothing but the truth" to something joey and I can't remember :( (no fun no fun)

And at another instant sc wants to borrow pencil and convo goes like this : "go borrow from yl" "she too far" "oh so if she's here you will borrow from her?"-joey "if she's here no need borrow liao, just take"-me "ya"-sc
HAHAHA What a weird guy.

Then we had hmt tutorial! HAHAHA teacher talk until no sound hahaha ok questions are MANAGEABLE only when teacher is present. WHATS THIS. HAHAHA ok nvm got homework for hmt by friday!

Did hmt lab report,  wasn't in the mood for reports idky. Slacker is out probably. HAHA
Was very hungry at 3 so had some malay food! Wah I guilty sia so much carbs. :(

Do report halfway, sc and the other guys going play basketball! Our group went there too, initially wanted to watch them olay as we do our work! But we ended up watching and did not even touch on our report hahaha well there's six more days I hope we can squeeze time out! :/

People who are playing: Eric, Weixiang,  Firdaus, Ralph, Sungchang,  Yonghan, Chesheng.
Well played guys! Didn't know some of them were that good and this is the first time I see the class guys played basketball! Time to bond them tgt thru sports! Haha but there were times that they were so funny while playing. 1) yonghan hugging chesheng to prevent cs to catch the ball
2) sungchang cannot shoot in while the others can (front half of the entire play)
3) eric keep tyco shoot in from very far (idk that's how many points though)
4) those that pick up the ball are ballet dancers hahaha

Oh but cs hurt his hand :(((
Poor thing.

Took some pictures when the guys are playing :)  GOOD JOB GUYS :-)

Went to south canteen to find the other girls that are doing lab report. Haha we this group damn slacker sia!

Ok finally got my LINE thingy solved!
Oh ya I saw that you used the pic that I took for you for your pic in LINE. Haha aww

Went for dinner at Northpoint food court with wyl. She wasn't feeling well though. Had dessert at there coz was still full.
Went to buy panadol with her and also sent her home until her unit! Take care la you!!!!

Gff very bhb hor u. If you want pic must say earlier if not I feel like a stalker taking picture of people. HAHA SORRY YOU ARE NOT A SUPERSTAR HAAHAHA

Ahh so paiseh sia I thought these two people are Chinese so I speak mandarin to them in the end they are korean hahaha facepalm. I hold the lift for them la hahaha

Went home do hmt!! Haha so proud of.myself getting the correct answer sia! Stomach growling alr!! Hahaha ok did some work, got my leftover hmt tutorial and lecture notes from jc! Thanks for coming down! 

Excited for tmr! PLEASE DONT RAIN THANK YOU :-)

Ok good night sleep early if not tmr early early got people disturb my sleep sia hahaha

Oh ya 1) 唐老鸭的老婆是唐老鸡
2) Winnie the Pooh 的女朋友是在飞机上非常漂亮的女孩子
3) One dont know how to spell idiot one dont know how to write 白痴
I had fun today!

Monday 29 April 2013

Monday madness

Reached yck just on time!
Allen liew's tutorial to kick start the day!
MY FIRST TIME FORGOT TO BRING TUTORIAL SIA WO BEI YUAN WANG LE. I got do le! Just that really forgot to bring :(((((
Heng he never scold scold.

Hmt lab! Hahaha omg fate sia this two yl and sc hahaha everywhere also see them tgt, 有缘就是有缘. Damn funny keep paparazzi-ing the both!

Maths tutorial kinda relax relax. Even her mini lecture doesn't seems so stress anymore! Good point! Hahaha most funny part is the teacher very kaypo also la. We say what she also listen then she say dont talk other things during her class.  HAHAHA "I like zoo" "he's married" "then how?" HAHAHA WELL DONE U SUCCEED ENTERTAINING US HAHA

After maths went for ree's lab! Long time no see mr zul hahaha same keep disiao people. Wah purposely or what...give my group the hardest lab sia! Haha we five girls spend almost two hour screwing screwing screwing and screwing sia! Hahaha they called me spanner. HI IF YOU WANNA FIX YOUR HOUSE TOILET BOWL PLZ CALL ME. HAHAHA

Stayed back to do lab report for euo. And yes we're done :-) kinda stucked on how to conclude coz the practical data is not parallel to the theoretical definition hahaha

Train's so packed hahaha

Got home. Porridge for dinner :-) hungry me finished it all hehehe was scrolling thru insta and saw a pic of food that we once had that for our breakfast coz we had morning shift work! Miss that toast box :-p

Tmr waking up early to meet yl for breakyyy at 啊啊啊 (yakun) for breakfast hehehe yay

Had fun.

Guess what we're left with are laughters

Sunday 28 April 2013

Stay home sunday

Woke up at 10 plus I think, and washed up and dad came home. It was raining so he couldn't go for praying. After that parents went out for praying and mahjong left me and bro at homezz.

Wasnt really loyal to work these few days. What's wrong with me?! Laziness starts to kick now even now ive yet to complete dpp write and tutorials for both dpp and hmt. Hmt is hard I swear. :/ I do understand during lecture but when it comes to tutorial I became stranger with these module omg what happened...

Went for kfc for lunch with le bro.
Tried the double down max, was lower than expectation actually. Maybe because it was kept too long and the crispness was gone :/ mehh..

Bought some groceries and snacks with the remaining money that i left for two weeks to stock up the food collections HAHA if not really nothing to eat sia no matter how low you lower your expectation to the food in my house.

Got bored around 5pm when doing tutorials so ended up "baking" potato. Well there will always be an alternative way to "bake" your potato. Since I don't have an oven I used a microwave instead. Hahaha but still, cravings satisfied. :-) wanted to add mayonnaise to potato,  NO MAYO. Saw thousand island sauce, EXPIRED.  Last way, BUTTER. Butter saves my day hahaha yeap so I endes up with butter and two "microwaved" potatoes.

First time watched star awards full, including the entrance thingy. Guilty me should have continued work after 10 but my inner slacker is out, :(

Guessed I need someone to lead my way before I got lost in the jungle of work!

Bringing so much things tmr coz got 2 labs tmr and needa do lab report on EUO.

Go me! Don't give up! Good night x

Saturday 27 April 2013

Coke chicken

Meet the girls and brought them to yilin's house. She start cooking after we reached.
Had fun. Eat, talk, checked yilin's wardrobe hahaha, make up on joey, didn't thought that we'll end up like this for the day though.
Well I guess you've invaded almost all of them. How many you want sia. Two not enough? Three? I only have six of them.

"Things that you took a long period of time to build, people may destroy it within a few secs. But, build anyway" hais.

Seriously more important is them, not you. I am more jealous of you than of them.
Went home with haz and had a little talk. Wow we do talk, literally, now. What had happened? Hmm something's strange? No idea. Thought she was closer to joey.

Dinner with family then work! Did write on hmt and finished up graph for euo lab. Looking forward to working with the 4pointer on monday :)

Cleared unwanted pics in lappy and transfer them to make them neater.

Ok done blogging now shower and sleep :-)

Friday 26 April 2013


Started at 10 today. Starting was hmt lecture! Wah the weather hor I can't stand it.
But in the morning it rains lehhhh unfair

Sp4 do mass/molecular balance thingy. Bb sucks cannot upload more than once.
Had fun during sp disturbing yl hahaha and my dear 4yo you jacket is wrong side hahaha

During dpp I didnt really listen. There goes the phrase "you can't have best of both worlds" well if I get to talk to him I wont have the time to listen aiyaaaa
Anyway dpp teacher will upload ma hahaha
Oh well I missed this feeling, its been too long.

Loser got me chocolate pancake coz I solved his 4pic1word which he stucked for very long, courage la courage.

Probably some "inside" meaning that is why he stucked on that so long and by a glance I solved it for him.....hmmm.

We had dinner tgt with haz. Awkward wave to keefe otw to koufu errr sorry for the awkwardness hahaha


Have a lot of work to do! Leggo! Week 3 here I come :)

Tomorrow going yilin's house for gathering and she going cook food for us to eat yay! Looking forward too :)

Thursday 25 April 2013

Mayonnaise with onions

What a funny day omg keep laughing since 10 plus till 7 plus hahah imagine that!
Maths was okay-teacher reteach what she taught in the mini lecture but the funny part is that her english is super pro lor. Idk is because of her speaking too fast or she just dont know how to pronounce. "Circuit" she pronounce as "circake", "pass" became "pa", "separable" become "sepbabar-ble" aiya just so hilarious on the spot!

Fpm lecturer is funny as hell. Hahahaa talked about planes pressure etc stuffs. The others ended at 230 while some of us ended at 530 coz of lab.

Lab is also so funny sia! Two groups today to do cyclone lab :-) it was fun!!!! Yilin and sc same group so can disturb them hahaha and the most memorable one is that teacher ask whether are we having anything after 5, I replied "sc has dancing lesson" he ownself also say ya, yilin added "cha cha ah?!" Hahaha loving life with them everyday filled with laughter :-)
Was having lab with wj yh yl agnes weixiang faheem sc, they are funny people I swear!

After lab ate subway for dinnzzzz :))) (the only place you see a lot of onions added to mayonnaise)

Went to sports hall to see preston with agnes and yilin, these two woman are as funny as hell hahaha we can pause and walk and pause and walk while we are on our way to sports hall. Shoulder dancing and pushing of wall when laughing. Hahaha I swear my tummy hurts when laughing while eating cookie.

Looking forward to more of days like this ♥

Happy birthday runningman KJK!

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Haven't blog cannot sleep!

Alright! In the morning I don't even feel like wake up for school coz I have a feeling of losing out alr :/

One lecture and gsm today. Gsm food culture teacher gave lollipop and oreos hahaha tcher like santa claus came earlier! Ahahah. Biz gsm did skme research lor!

Cannot tahan the heat leh these few days.
Actually planned to go swimming afterwards but the weather don't let us go :( oh well. Told yl about what happened well she looks mad at first, maybe she expected more my story! :/ sorry but I can't let out more coz' it will ruin my/your/our frienships.

Went to her house and slack till 9plus. She cooked pasta and fried dumplings for me hehehe so sweet right. Couldn't thank her more who is like a sister to me, a part of family already. :)
Slack a while, she copied ree notes I did some ree writings.

I only remember we kept laughing coz of out little small jokes like "eh u never put water can boil ah?" "Put the whole bag of the dumpling into the pan" and many more.
Really thankful for that :')

Reached home. Wth why u give me the black face as if I did something or I owe you money like that. Just asked about why is the laundry basket toppled then you give black face....ok lor. Fine. Whatever. -.-

I now hungry already :/

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Damn stress alr

Trying to squeeze time to write even though I have limited time now.
Still, I had fun with the clique.
Stress stress stress. Omg how to describe this stress. It's like suddenly putting you in a new environment,  teaching methods aren't the same anymore, modules getting tougher and tougher.

I wish I could just break down but no, break down means defeated. I will not give up. This is not the end, this is only week 2! Cmon I can do this like how I survived studying for 11 years!

Went for the "I appreciate" at the auditorium and wrote on post its on what we appreciate :) senior fifi, fifi, faheem, asyura and atikah were there with us :-)

Slack around audi after a while.
Went for eating (too late for lunch too eadly for dinner) at macs there. Ate pizza and loklok hahahaha reached home eat dinner (no rice).

Did some stressed work wah I feel so downnnnnn almost cried.

:( you're not helping. You never will. You dont even try. Thanks ah. -.-

Ok tmr go learn maths!! Must get it right before it starts crashes with other things! Then go swim (probably the last time in this sem, too stress no time no time), then go eat pasta and talk talk talk! :/

P/s che sheng's alarm should have rang by now (12am)
P/p/s I don't wanna be behind of anyone that are behind of me now. *pray*

Monday 22 April 2013

I'll be happy if it rains on weekdays than weekends

Supposed to start at 9 but started at 10 coz no fpm tutorial.
As usual late again haha rushed to school.
Left yck mrt and I saw this bright yellow bag at not far front. Joey. Hahaha easily spotted.

Maths was a headache. Teacher's going so fast. So fast that nobody dare to stop her.
I almost cried coz im stucked in a particular question. Why oh why this teacher. This must be a joke right. :(

Didn't know that there isnt ree lab today-aiya I brought the book leh!
Impromptu movie date with wyl, watched Saving general yang at amk!
This is the first time I am shivering when watching movie! And the movie is not short-it's almost a two hour movie!

The last ten minutes I was in serious
condition of shivering haaha same as wyl. This woman is so funny and idk how come she can click with me so well hahaha
Had fish soup for dinner at amk level3.
Headed home feeling blessed to have her.

Yay for 12pm start tuesday
The malaysians clique introduced this lame game hahaha but I still play, called Fun Run.
HAHA wondering why is it orange cat.

Did sp4 visio in between breaks.

See what yonghan do to my phone.

Sunday food day

Woke up at 11 plus (what's new) and head to Golden Mile Shopping Centre for Mookata with family. Yes again, we've sinned to eat so much meat :-p

Reached home around three plus, finished up some work and got distracted with youtube videos hehehe.

Took a nap at six plus and finally woke up at 9plus. Urgh missed the starting of the star awards ha!


Had macs for dinner at 10plus! I think my family really focuses a lot of money on food! :/

Can't sleep at night due the nap I took earlier so ended up sleeping around 1am plus haha and I didn't feel that im sleeping leh probably I think think think until sleep.

Ok that's all for sunday!

Sunday 21 April 2013

Late people are always gonna be late

Supposed to meet lq at smb at 1045 ended up only see him and yt at 2plus??? Hahaha coz lq kena lock in his house because yt took two keys out- hers and his. Hahaha trap inside house!

While waiting I had lunch at mos smb luckily they never chase me out leh hahaha I stayed there for nearly three hours at did some fpm and dpp. At least not wasting time!

Reached celes's house and eat again at some cafe in ssc top level cost around 50 for four person hehe~ loving the rice, desserts and the bread with ham and cheese!

After that came back celes's house and went for swim with lq while yt was giving tuition.
Swam 10 rounds,  ok la better than nothing.

Now im blogging while feeling very sleepy coz of the swim haha

Ok later going grandma house for dinner.

Reached grandma house, lying on the bed. Around eight plus I finally get up for food!

Usual things...

Did some dpp work at midnight,  at least three quarter of it!

Homed. Bathed. Sleep.

Woke at 11:40 the next day.

Friday 19 April 2013

Wave - first and last.

Ive been waiting for this day for so long.
I know it will hit me down again, or, every single time I went through this shit.
I know someone is always there for me.
I know there are people who loves me.
I know this route of life isnt easy, neither I heard people said that its worth it.
No shit is worth your time.

For the nth times, how many times do I need to say this? You are not his anything, neither am I. So none of us has the right/power to control him.
His life is none of your business, neither mine. Why are we orbiting our worlds just because this person is alive?
Tell me which part of me you don't like. Tell me straight in my face before I punch yours.
I have never do bad to anyone unless the person done bad to me. But even though anyone is bad, they are never gonna be as bad as you.
How to describe u? Bitch.
Oh wait there are two of them.
You'll never know. You know why? Coz YOU NEVER ONCE TRY PUTTING YOURSELF IN MY SHOE. Just because you're jealous doesn't mean that relationship is belong to you.
Jealous go find yourself one la!
Sorry hor lastest news, the guy that you LOVE so much confessed and had a date with someone else already! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH ONE DAY I WILL SHAKE LEG AND LAUGH AT YOU WHILE YOU'RE CRYING TO SEE HIM LEAVING.

No mood for anymore of this.

Met hamizah for dinner after dpp ends at 5:45. Went for dinz at cwp bagus then we had Gelare for dessert wah cost 30 bucks leh so ex! But the texture was so good! :)
Thank you hamizah for the day :*

Did some htht with my forever friend (this friend is gonna come with me forever already coz she can tolerate my nonsense!)

Ok feeling better now.

Wed tell yl the whole thing. I scared.

Cannot wait for tmr! Hope that tmr will be a great day :-)

Thursday 18 April 2013

Thursday most funny lecturer ever

Wait. Everytime I blog on that day I must think of what lesson I had in the morning till the end of the day. Or on weekends maybe think of what time I wake up.
Oh so (checks time table)
Had maths lecture in da mornz! Wah luckily she didnt go the speed she went on Tuesday sia if not all die.
Then we had THE MOST FUNNY LECTURER's lesson! Hahaha u know what, at first we really thought he is those very strict one coz he very strict on attendance. But then as time goes by in that one hour plus, his funny part came out! Most funny part, our maths teacher came and crashed his lessons right in the middle of his teaching....then he was like "who's that" someone replied "ms lee, maths lecturer" then he quickly said "from where?" HAHAHAHA faiezin fabian they all turned back look at me hahaha omg so funny FROM WHERE. WHERE CAN A TEACHER COME FROM? HAHA

End of school. Went bookshop get notebook (again I know) coz really, the quality of thr paper really affect my mood of studying! HAHA

Went home, bought milk tea, bathed, and hide in room (on aircon) and do work! Work is coming!!!
Ok till then!
Excited for Saturday! ;)

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Club crawl day1

Met haesung to go school together! So glad we still keep in contact! This korean boy keep saying that he's tired, bored and whatever reasons just because he don't want to go poly. Hahaha!

Realised that there IS change between us, Im alright with that actually coz in the end nobody's willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING for one another. I think people will save themselves first before saving others, that's the harsh truth.

Lecture on REE today, guessed who is the lecturer!! It was PEM :) ok its was actually kinda weird to have her as our lecturer and PEM but nonetheless give it a try :)

Then we had GSM! A bunch of shy guys don't want to take picture before gsm starts, well nevermind then! Hahaha we still had fun!

Went for club crawl with firdaus (actually didn't wanted to go) coz' gsm ended earlier.
SO CROWDED. Hehehe get to grab a cotton candy and some packets of popcorn to share. Fifi was too kind, just to help us take! (I really thought he's gonna have it himself- but he don't look like the kind who will snack!)

Oh forgot to mention, saw some familiar faces (again) today! Cheryl and tianqi from church,  Shangyuan, Irfan and Irritating Zhikang hahaha!

Went to find tz kor at club crawl too! Haha #typicalsingaporean he wanted me to "like" a Facebook page just to get a free mask!

Proud of you even though didn't get to see you perform.

P/s: oh about this I think someone else is still waiting for you *hint: converse shoe*

Neck pain leg pain, I am old.


Tuesday 16 April 2013

Lovely flower top / you scared me in da mornz

Wasnt aware of my phone since class starts at 12 so im happily doing my things (no rush no rush) so when I was in my room taking things out to the dining table, checked my phone and 2 messages, 14 whatsapp messages and 2 miss calls from gff. HAHA I held my phone and said to myself "wah what happened", literally HAHA silly guy.

Belinda's birthday today that's why so rush. Reached school around 11ish and went down to ltq6 to wait. Went for lunch first coz she wasnt here yet. Felt so left out coz all is Tritons, if not, excos. Damn where do I hide...

Alright gave her a sticky hug HAHA omg the weather! Lecturer looks like winnie the pooh today oh well hahaha. Mini presentation on the first day haha luckily we survived. ;)

Saw zul with hamizah at the canteen today.
Ended at 2, wyl and I went 313 hehehe. F21/H&M/ Ewf/ that shop (forgot the name) and homez HEHE.

Took one big round, to Marina bay then back home # typicalsingaporean you know what I mean. You always will.

This whole day I only had Ewf and tako! I threw away the packed food (so sorry!) that mum bought. At first I thought I could eat at late night but im, even, still full right now. How to eat??
Hahaha three buys- 2jeans and a red top (love love). DAD'S THE BEST!

Haha here it comes again. Weird but familiar actions/feelings that I couldn't and wouldn't say. How do I react, again?
Well lets see.

Till then x. (2nd day of school)

Monday 15 April 2013

I wish

I wish everyday was like today.
School starts, couldnt agree more to myself that I completely needed sleep coz I can't seems to fall asleep these days. :(
Ending of yesterday really brings me back if not I'll be sucha quiet girl today and everybody will be like "oh so weird"
Im glad im not like that this morning.
Maths was tough.
Didnt know what the teacher is trying to teach until half of the lecture has past.
Okay exaggerated a bit but she was like rushing thru and wasnt even aware of how the weaker students are doing, whether or not they are catching up or if they are having doubts but can't even stop the teacher down.
Yes I gave an example to someone that if the previous maths teacher we had was at speed number 1, this is 5! No joke.
Just because the lecture in the time table is placed on thursday and tutorials are on tuesday, doesn't mean that you should be already rushing things out without even giving us a guideline for this module that we're taking.
If I am going to be a maths teacher in the future I will share my experience of having all the weirdest and scariest maths teachers Ive had. And maths is not a memory subject, it needs patience and practice.
Before maths was okay( well obviously okay) coz we ended up talking and chit chatting away because all the teachers didnt turned up for classes and what's worst...they didn't tell us beforehand. Well this means that I had insufficient sleep which result in sleepiness and what-the-heck-is-she-teaching during maths class. I tried to listen and understand, yes i could,  but the only thing that I dont understand is why she needs to rush.
Pem meeting was held at the afternoon. Pem looks super ladylike today and friends were saying she looks like angel^^
This sem's timetable is alright coz only one 8am lesson-Ohya forgot to mention, friday is FULL. YES FULL.
Fridays are omg longest day everrr although I haven't had my Friday this week.
Coz its 8-12 lessons 12-1 break 1-6 lessons.
The most you will have on friday is the in-between toilet breaks during class :/ ah.
Well saw some familiar faces from slss today! Kinda a handful of them I know are in nyp! ohhey my juniors! Hahaha
I wished everyday was like this

Sunday 14 April 2013


Ok hi guys school's starting tomorrow
What to look forward? Honestly I have no idea.
I'm always jealous of those people who have real friends for them, supporting them, BUT not backstabbing them, judging them at the back, talking at the back, AND THEN act like nothing's happening.
Why do I have to live this kind of life throughout my so-many-years-of-studying. Whether it's in primary school, secondary school and even HERE, poly. Worst case ever.
Don't people have empathy in them?
Sometimes I don't wanna say doesn't mean I don't want you to ask. If you ask, I may tell. But you guys will never, ever, ask. Concern? Nah, fake concern got la.

About that, I have mix feelings. Any feelings that you can named, I've already experienced them.
many more.
Just sucks.
Why did you even appear here.

Felt like I've lost someone, someone so close.
Probably my best friend, my soulmate.
We used to have the world, everyone wasn't sure what are we but we were having fun in our own worlds.
Holidays never make me stop thinking, it has, somehow, worsen the problem.
The last time I talked to you, is on 8 March.
I know I shouldn't be so attached to someone whom only gave me the feelings that I wanted the most.
Should be more independent. You said "it's not worth liking me"
Yea maybe you're right.
I don't know what will happen next.
What is my next move?

She gave it all, to someone who said "I'll always be here for you"
That's it. From then on, she secretly like him.
Trying so hard not to leak out this secret and pretending to use another nickname to cover up these things that she've done for him.
No sense of anything, she gave it all.
As you've predicted, yes, after some months, he realised.
And yes, she confessed.

Note: she didn't have anyone to talk about. the only one that she have is someone that she's jealous of.
By telling her friend about him, the friend wasn't helping.


Friday 12 April 2013

It's coming, again. (APRIL12)

What's coming up?
Tons of work. Projects. Reports. Presentations. Homeworks.
Mann...a huge wave is coming.
Not to mention about the complicated stuffs that will (may be) happening soon.
I guess changing might helps.
Okay stresssssss
I'll write more.
12 April friday;
Jialing came and did jellies with me yay! Gave her half of it :)
Mixed fruits and lychee for the fillings in the jellies!!!

till then x

Thursday 4 April 2013

human nature | Sum up five days

I am not saying that you're not good enough.
I guessed this is my life; about giving too much, expecting too much in return and then in the end disappointing myself.

I once thought, that doing good is beneficial for both parties.
I don't wanna prove myself wrong cos' I believe that this rule is applied to everyone.
Just because something is not yet here doesn't mean that it's not coming.

Part of me disagree with this.
Some will be like "Why are you believing this shit when it will not happen?"
Others will say "Oh continue believing, it will happen one day"


ok blank, wait till i accumulate more things to talk about then i'll edit this space.

4/4 realized that I had been out for four days straight. Like from sunday to wednesday ah ah ah omg
Kinda tired going out, it's okay if you've gotten what you need/want but like.... if it's wasting time outside I would rather stay at home nua on bed, watch running man, blog or like, sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
2/4 went to redeem my oh precious laptop. Lenovo why you so many problems haish. If i knew earlier i will get Asus man! Ok maybe (maybe only) try to save to get a new one, walao and cheaper than 1.2k zzzzz luckily my phone is alive and kicking! hahahaha that's my only way out bleh boredom ma what you want me to do ahhhh.
Sunday 31/3 out with bel and raymond (i didn't know bel was cmg initially aiya raymond never tell me hahaha), we went taka coz they wanna get Vans (was having offer @ taka). Yeahh i didn't buy any coz already have three pairs of new shoes hehehe.
Head for lunch lolol funny part was we can't come into agreement on where to have lunch omgg ok in the end went to this idk what's the name of the restaurant, it's some Japanese curry restaurant @ 313 B3 hahaha at corner corner.
After that went to watch GI Joe. Two days after that day i asked lq about that movie he said for the action it's good but the storyline is no-no. Okay...then i was like thinking "huh i thought very nice leh" HAHA
but sadly the movie was unexpectedly shorter than what i thought la!
Proceeding to FEP bel went to find her friend working there, we were almost lost hahahaha three of us were like "i am not a town person" "me too" "me too" HAHA ok we never really lost la coz' in the end we found our way after lots of  "here meh? no la i think there. " "really meh but i think is here leh"
LOLOL everytime i am at FEP i sigh a little coz' all the pretty clothes there are either too small for me if not too expensive hais why like this. I can either become "smaller" LOL or richer. Oh man
Bought dingdingtang there hehehe then raymond was happily eating corn haha. Most hilarious line i ever heard coz we couldn't find seats "eh you go ask the customer service where to find the nearest chair" HAHA
in the end walk a few steps to the left from the customer service TADAAA hidden seats YAY!
Went Causeway Point (ftw!) for dinz hehehe pastamania at b1. Then go home sleep!

Monday 1/4 Swimming with lq (blogged already)

Tuesday 2/4 Went to collect my dearest lappy. Wasn't hungry but managed to grab a few bites of the banana "biscuit" (amazing how i still rmb what i ate a few days ago hehehe) before heading out around noon. So the long bus ride from Yishun to Bukit Timah (always imagining if there's someone to accompany me during the long ride boohoo) Yeah collected so actually planned to cck lot1 for some shopping??? It was raining :( Bus 67 was the one to go to cck but it went off right after i saw it hahaha #badluck but i assume that it's full. So i thought okay maybe i wait for the next 67....the next 67 was so packed and i think only a few of them get in, none got out of the bus. So in the end i took 171 which ended up at Yishun hahaha
Spent 50 bucks at cotton on yishun haha okay better than nothing :P

Wed 3/4 Oh ytd, out with wyl! Legs were almost numb leh. Vivo > Chinatown > Nex > Home. Crazy.
Vivo f21 not open leh :( Cotton On nothing impress me although it's bigger there. Egg tarts and fish soup for lunch haha and a lot of food in between the places we went. Tempted to buy shoessss okay that's not the point hmm we got two pairs of socks and two cute notebooks for jos (bday 7 april). Don't know if it's enough. Chinatown we start eating, first up, the don't know what bao three for 2.50, got beef pork and jiucai. Then wyl went to buy (something that i've never heard before, probably china stuffs) haha and i took two jellies from the shelf :P
Ok then we dk where to go already. Went into this guilinggao shop and ate the guilinggao there. Big one for 8 and small one for 5.5. The saleperson said that it is very good for your health and body, there's even people who eat it everyday!
Next we ended up at nex because she never eat macarons before. Brought her to Nex The Icing Room and she bought three macarons hahaha, caramel, earl grey and something else i forgot. Walked around Nex and went into CO (again) haha ended up bought a pair of jeans for 20.
Before even leaving Nex we go for papaya hahaha fav sia!
Rushed home for dinner mum cooked.

Thurs 4/4 woke up early for gsm registration haha
Woke up 730 wah my eyes cannot open (coz i scared it's at 8)
Checked at 8, not yet open, went back sleep till 855 then wake up for regi at 9.
Sigh up till now i only know that Firdaus yihao and cw same as me omg no one already? Sien
And you're not helpingggg zzz
Watched Rm139 haha so hilarious Gary shouldn't have change his seat in the first place coz' then there will be MC!
Went for lunch at 3 came back home at 4 hahaha did i eat for one hour? Did i?
No la kiddingz
Tmr waking up early again!

Till then x


Monday 1 April 2013

April fool 2013 parrot lq 你好

It will never be the same. Anymore.
I guess so.
Cos people who doesnt belong here are here. The huge wave is coming. Who gave them the permission to? Where am I going then?

I guess I'll have to learn to keep a distance. Maybe not like a silent quarrel thing but its just having is losing u get what I mean.

Where do I stand now.

Not only you. 
Is you you you you you you you you and you. How can people be so fake like as if  the face can be separated into five diff personalities you bullshit

this time you clearly havent had what you want but wait till you know that the one you wanted the most actually fell in love with someone you heard before and never thought that this will happened and you think back about how bad youve treated me just because the one that I wanted the most is easier to reach than the one you wanted so you took advantage of it and went closer to him without realizing that its actually hurting me inside omg what is wrong with you.

"Everybody judges so why bother of the opinions of others?"
Well said but is it always well done?
Will people change so easily just because you did something wrong then BAM someone just threw u a quote and HOORAY the usual you is back. Oh come on nobody will be that quick to change am I right.

Being happy is great but spreading the happiness to everyone is awesome.
Some people are just not worth it.

1/4 swimming with liangqi omg finallyyyyy actually is with yilin but she wasnt free but in the end she went school to get justa cable okkkz cheaper in school...zzz. oh then she met themmmm ok if I was there I dont think they will be so sweet lor tsk bias.

Corn and yoghurt was awesome.  Sprinkled salt and added butter (I think) (not me though, it was celes' s dad) and HAHA sihan was like " nono you cannot give anyone" HE LOVESSSS CORN. Ok how bout yoghurt, I at first thought that it will be creamy pr like tpo milky but I was wrong........its like damn good and hellooooo its homemade leh! Ok then she added strawberries for us and lq ate three of them :( HAHAHA ok two more weeks to school kinda excited though. no more extra thingy plz like those dangling stuffs that are affecting me omg srsly..like emotions and stuffs. Ok must switch back bodyclock ive been waking up at 11plus-12plus latest almost 1pm hehehehe okay good bye :*