Friday 6 September 2013


Regret why.....why didn't I accept you two years ago?
You see la, people don't want to wait for you liao go chase other people already.
Tsk..haiz so sad.
Now he look so good and I'm like meh..
Should've just accepted and avoid the looks.
Well I know he's a great guy, humorous, sweet :)
Now I can only see him in school sometimes and whenever I do, I only can say "Hi!:)"
aaaaaaaaaaaaand that's all hmmmm
How ah.

Aiya last night I dreamt of him leh, he was talking to me and I was like "Oh yes, he's back!"
Then when I woke up, NOOOOO...

P/s: Yesterday night I dreamt of Wj was not straight and was kissing another guy after we're all done with 10km of walk/run/jog and settled down in some school canteen. HAHA

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