Friday 13 September 2013


Yay class gathering at Faheem's!
Was having a great day with the people who went! And, as usual, I was one of them who stand in front of the bbq pit and bbq food (no choice ah, i like to do this kind of things, SO DON'T JUDGE!)

Met yh and wj at cck then we took bus there
Then when reached, we set up the bbq pit and start fire everything

About a while later, preston and agnes reached (they were lost at first HAHA) then yh used Faheem's bicycle and cycled out not even 20 seconds jiu see the two walking towards here already LOLOL
Had troublesome setting up the fire because wj dropped the lighter OMG zzz

Then preston came with lighters which saves the day!
HEHEHE then after we got the fire then we start bbq-ing hotdogs and fishballs! (p/s: didn't know bbq fishballs will be that nice, or maybe, is the fishball brand is those good brand hahaha)

We had chips too! Tortilla with NACHO CHEESE YUM YUM

Around 5+, the remaining girls were at cck buying ice cubes and yh drove F's family car to fetch them!
hahaha smirk face me to agnes when she pass my phone to yh to talk to joey HAHA we damn bad

Then just slack, bbq food, talk, lepak and whatnot lor.
And then the drink keep changing lolol from fruit punch + sprite to green tea, then to coke and then back to fruit punch + dont know what. LOLOL

Then a while later, ralph came (haha also yh go fetch one wl they llike superstar attending red carpet)
Asyikin, Ivan and one girl from b class came too! Hehehe is this considered cross-class gathering??

More food!! So at first we have hotdogs, fishballs, then proceed to chix wings (marinated from our very own Faheem), otah, satay (chix, mutton, beef), prawns!
Prawns was good, didn't get to eat otah.
HAHA actually didn't get to eat a lot la, i also busy cooking and must serve others first ma (my own principle)

yeah lor, then oh ya, belated bday present from ralph, haha guess what
is portable charger! LOL should have give earlier then not need ask mum buy (aiya actually is she ask me whether wanna buy or not, but if i say i dont want she also will buy then she use herself one hor??)

The only regret is NOBODY TAKE PICTURES SIA! THEN don't even have group photo omggggg
Pem also never come :( Haha some of them wanted to ask pem on our results if she's coming but mehhhh her son's sick i think :/

Friday the 13th is not that bad, spent my afternoon to midnight will great people and had lots of fun!
Thanks guyssssssssssss Lublublub

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