Wednesday 4 September 2013

great accomplishment

Went for evening swim at Celes's place, swam 30 laps! #totalmissionaccomplished #miracle #yesyesyes

Then went for dinner at cwp with CY @ Empire State!
Haiz this guy never change, always so thick-skin make me speechless hahaha
but it was a good chat with him about recent things, about exams, future, work etc.

Oh and about the food there.
Didn't manage to try his Chicken Cutlet but the sauce smells nice.
Anyway about my Mushroom and Bacon Aglio Olio (yes i googled the spelling of Aglio Olio),
will rate it 7/10. Love the mushrooms and bacon which reminds me of the Turkey Bacon Cheesy Crumble from Pastamania just that there's no mushroom in TBCC. (lazy)
Yeap, but it's kinda oily (too much Olive oil?!!?)
Overall quite a good experience there although actually I wanted to try their dessert,
the one on the sizzling pan.
Nevermind, till next time and when I'm feeling better. :)

pray hard no fever tmr *cross fingers*

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