Tuesday 8 October 2013

just in!

Tuesday 8th Oct
Had lunch at kfc with bro, wanted to try the 2 bucks burger but didn't hehe
Bought yoghurt, banana, grapes and lemon.
yoghurt + banana + grapes > breakfast
lemon > for lemonwater

Time to start something new!
Tuesday (first day): Yoghurt + Grape + Sunflower Seeds

Went for swim too! 30 laps, went too late (around 4:30, ended before 6)

School's starting
Timetable sucks hahaha
8-4, 8-5, 8-6, 10-4, 10-5.
Wednesday suck thumb, Friday I hope I will have awesome TGIF because only have maths lecture, maths tutorial and a lab.
Dpp starts at week1, OMGGGGG 8-11 on Monday and 3-6 on Wed

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