Saturday 19 October 2013

i dont really know what to feel annymore

It's only week 1 of school and i'm already so tired
And its only a 3-day week (Tuesday was a public holiday and Thursday we are chosen to help out for tte Hybrid Car so there isn't school)
And projects hasn't even started
And it's only week 1
And I only had my longest sleep on Sunday rather than both weekends

Wednesday 16th Oct
School starts at 8 and ends at 6..
During dpp, it was a silent torture because for 3 hours there wasn't any breaks and the teacher keep going and going, dreading to listen in class..

Thursday 17th Oct
Event started at around 10plus when the students reached while we're having our break..
Mediacorp filming in North Canteen with Felicia Chin and another female actress
What we do during 10plus to 12plus was just walk around the tables and check if the students need help.
We kept sitting down on both sides of the chairs (with supposedly meant for the students' teachers)
Take pictures, check for good-looking guys and girls, slack LOL
Proceed to stadium for the competition and it was fun! (Somehow I feel like I'm going back to sec school days de sports carnival which also held in stadium :) )
My role was to write down the timing on the whiteboard
Went back to the room and cleared stuffs and we're done.

Bucks @ Northpoint
Swim @ Yishun
Dinner at home.

Friday 18th Oct
Maths lecture and maths tutorial

Saturday 19th Oct
Went to see RM at Jurong Point!! The crowd is crazy!
Went with them and wenjun!

Lunch @ ljs (too tired alr)
Home, sleep, 833.

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