Tuesday 22 October 2013

I am very thankful to have you

Dedicate this post to my forever friend

Dearest you, I wanna thank you for always listening to my rants even though it doesn't related to you.

Dearest you, I wanna thank you because you don't judge me (at least I never know) and always have time for me to go out with me even though sometimes we meet like 2-3 days in a week (hahaha) I hope you're not sien to see me so many times XD

Dearest you, whenever I have problems with my friends or family, I always want to cry and hurt myself and have the thought of commit suicide.....but I didn't because I didn't forget your existence. So I will find you, to talk to you, even if it's just purely joke or just about studies...it doesn't need to be about my rants, even talking about the weather with you makes me feel better.

Dearest you, you are the only friend that I hold on forever (if I live forever) and will not let go.

I hope everything's well for you.
Love you.

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