Wednesday 29 May 2013


Tues, celebrated Faheem's bday with the class and also some of the SCL people. haha epic moment when they brought a bra for his birthday present. And whattttts more surprising??? he was brought around the school with the bra! omg so paiseh siaa. haha but funny coz of his first expression when he first touched the bra. He thought was a rabbit at first, maybe becoz both same smooth smooth one. hahahaha so funnnnny.


sushi at home on Tuesday! happyboi94

had subway with 3 more awesome Leos peepppsss hehehe. We, the Leos, pledge to eat as much as we can whenever we can and whatever we can lolol we can really eat a lot sia. 
Monday view at north side of school.
My food. Joey plus roti prata plus ribena hahaha at northcanteen
Tues mignight oil craze

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