Monday 13 May 2013

Drag too much

Not sleepy shall blog
Start of week 5! Crazy amt of work to do last weekend and I rmb there's until no.12 on my to list. Oh well I cleared all and today left three more to go :)
Im just thinking that I shiuld have more things to do but idk where to start or what to do first or what do I even have to do..aiyo.
Hectic week last week, emotion was going thru roller coaster. I hope this will not continue anymore.
Im glad you're back.
Monday was fun, but cmon who loves monday whrn it marks the start of every week and you have to go thru another four more long days just to reach my fav sat. );)
Pretty much sum up from thursdsy night too Monday night.

fruits cut by mum bought by dad 
Happy Mum (Grandma's) day / Garry bday
Loklok #3leos
#3leos mcflurry
Crazy woman strangled by labcoat
fpm exp
This woman is busy with work even she's having late dinner with me
sat breaky with bro 

kwap chap
mr chong haha sorrry

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