Saturday 4 May 2013


Thursday was sucha crazy day
Slept only 3 hours on wed and was super awake idky also. I supposed to feel tired though. Was doing euo hahaha lucky got do if not also dont know mr hehehe talking during tutorial. Aiya forgot to bring my tutorial for euo. Aiya repeat Monday's mistake sia lucky this teacher never scold haha he so cute when he smile! Where are your eyessss
Maths lesson sat with faiezin, this crazy guy set his face as my lock screen wallpaper hahaha crazy.
Then had fpm...ok then my sleepiness came. Haha idk is because really sleepiness came or that day he teach not as interesting as before. Managed to tahan! And teacher very good he let us go 30 mins earlier :-)
Didn't have lab so did ree lab report with sl and agnes and the rest go for lab! Haha miss doing lab report sia! Force us think some more one group do one experiment so cannot copy from the others.
Do do do until 5 plus until they come out lor went to find mr zul for sone enquires haha and the report was 65% done.
Had dinz with the usual girls in school hahaha and this is the time I start laughing for almost 2 hours like non stop HAHAHA I ALSO TIRED LAUGHING BUT CANT CONTROL.
Glad to have funny people and that brings up our spirits whenever one is low :))))
Had this #TeamLeo thing coz yh me zjy and agnes are sitting tgt!
Why are these people so funny hahaha joey have too much coins so we played with her coins and also used all coins to pay for prata sausage $1.80 and then that zjy ask the aunty "aunty how much ah?" Auntie replied,:"$1.80 " HAHAHA AT THAT INSTANT I THOUGHT IT WAS VERY FUNNY COZ IT SEEMS LIKE THE AUNTIE IS $1.80 HAHA
Ended up didnt continue work and ended up chat chatting ahah loving life like this, like no stress no stress. Aiya that fyo kid in the train also can make me laugh sia. We are the PA and the LA. Hahaha had dinner in school before starting talking rubbish with #TeamLeo ♥

Homed, did dpp tutorial and write, and also edit some parts of the ree report.  By the time of 12am I cannot tahan already :/ keep knocking off when writing dpp so ended up sleeping lor coz I could not take it anymore.

Friday morning woke up at the wrong side of the bed and I know it will be a weird day. Supposed to wake up open eyes facing the table ended up facing the wall. Didnt have much energy to do anything in the morning so ended it doing things very slowly and some more is 8am lesson. Was closing my eyes in the mrt ride to school, at least got a little "charged" when reaching yck.

This is the first week we did our fpm lab, and I must say the work that needs to be done for a lab report is so much sia!!! Crazzzzzzy!

Hmt lecture was so bored I dont even know what is he talking leh.. some formulas lor.
Had curry puffs shared with the girls and also milo from joey tyty :)

Then we had sp, do excel again lor. Haha but ended at 230! Slack for a while and go for dpp. This week's dpp is easy to absorb maybe because im not distracted :) stayed back after dpp to complete a little more on both ree and hmt reports. Wah day two datelines- that's every mon. :(

Moving places from left to right to switch the module aiyooo. Joey bought us sweets and also I had tako in between breaks during dpp.
Was dead tired I can feel my legs are screaming and im literally flying coz I don't feel any weight when im walking.

Had subway for dinner in northpoint :)
Eat finish can shut down alr hahaha

Went back home straight away bathe and sleep and don't wanna wake uppppppp

Sat had roti prata for breakyyy and did 3/4 of work! Purposely leave hmt the hardest one at the last idky also. Just don't like it.

750 left for grandma house:)
Eat dinner and also went to café for dessert haaha we ordered so much,  like around 100+ hahaha and we filled uo the table  even before all its here.

1:05am reached home and now blogging lor :) ok good night (squeezing 3 post coz im lazy and its tedious too) kk Gnight my eyes are closing soon

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