Thursday 30 May 2013



I never lose. I gained.
I gained knowledge, or understand more.
Trying (not very hard) to get everything done.
Don't wanna leave anyone/anything behind.
Understood that what's yours will be yours; not yours forever not yours.
HAHA everytime i will tell myself that "it wasn't even mine to start with''. So no reasons to be sad.

Progress in school work:

Week 7, one week more and i'll have my holidays yayyyy i've been waiting for you for weeks already! YOU ARE GREATLY MISSED. These few weeks don't really have the mood to study, maybe because i too happy in school already i feel drained went reached home i just wanna sleep away my nights haha
Mind and/or body can already feel that hols are cmg so both guide me to bed but not work everytime i sit here, in front of my lappy.
Good job, best distraction to me is bed, next is phone. HAHA
Had maths quiz, ree class/common test this week and next tues have euo class/common test.
Im not even following schedule properly already haiz
Don't have motivation to do anything howwwww
I felt like im having fun everyday why do i have to study.
Why there isn't another path to work, why must go thru studies..
I don't feel the importance of studying...or is it blinded by laughters already omg noo...
Must not like that think, must keep motivated. CANNOT SLACK.

Ok till then

Wednesday 29 May 2013

mixed 3

buffet deco


Blackberry cake and choco banana cake Mmmm
Hazelnut icecream
faheem's bday cake
evil twins j&j (i was the one who tied the cardis tgt haha)
crackers (olden days cracker, maybe my dad's gen coz i never see this before haha)
Monday at North point with these girls.
went for dessert, herbal tea, cotton on sale, pasa malam, faheem's cake
buffet pancake. Ownself extra put choco balls on top, it doesn't even go well with the pancake haha
monday maths tut agnes and maths teacher's first ever photo tgt

mixed 2

buffet cheesecake, fondue, tiramisu
self made salad, sausage, shells
don't know what's this haha
cakes my mum bought for me
Get your paint in five mins! (chongpang with dad @ sunday before buffet)
duckky rice on fri
why inverted?!!? Awesome people! Pizza hut and pool with them :)
sat dinz
crazy josjos
sat dinz
crazy woman canteen raining
century egg pattern
sushi neighbour brought ^^
buffet cookie :)
baked potato with mayo (sinful)
pizza @ cwp (cheap)
<3<3 3 plates and im satisfied :)


Tues, celebrated Faheem's bday with the class and also some of the SCL people. haha epic moment when they brought a bra for his birthday present. And whattttts more surprising??? he was brought around the school with the bra! omg so paiseh siaa. haha but funny coz of his first expression when he first touched the bra. He thought was a rabbit at first, maybe becoz both same smooth smooth one. hahahaha so funnnnny.


sushi at home on Tuesday! happyboi94

had subway with 3 more awesome Leos peepppsss hehehe. We, the Leos, pledge to eat as much as we can whenever we can and whatever we can lolol we can really eat a lot sia. 
Monday view at north side of school.
My food. Joey plus roti prata plus ribena hahaha at northcanteen
Tues mignight oil craze

i had so much fun

No time to edit this space due to work and laziness is kicking in too! kekeke
truthfully this two to three weeks i am very happy. I have no reasons not to be.
I have everyone and everyone around me is happy too.
I had lots of laugh this few weeks and i hope this continues forever, i want the best for everyone ( i said this before)

guessed i really move on already. Well it's not a bad thing.