After looking through selective blog post that ive written, im glad that I did start the habit to write something, or post a few pictures until now..if not I wouldn't remember what have happened till now.
Finally, we've come to the end of Programme 4, which is the toughest of them all. I know this is not a goodbye/farewell blogpost but I just wanna thank you all for making me who I am today.
This semester 说长不长 说短不短 4 months就这样过去了!
What I will miss the most is
1) staying back with ma gurlss for lab reports everyday in a week. Times like on a Friday, when we have dpp, the others stayed back to wait for us to complete our lab reports. And sometimes, we even ended up in school until latest 10 plus close to 11.
2) we'll always make fun of our maths teacher even though its bad. And we'll be chit chatting and pretend that tcher wasn't there.
3) we all work together as a group, and as a class we succeed together by helping one another out, eg, for common test, final exams.
Its the times like these make me realised that happiness can come very easily when you surround yourself with great people who can bring out the best of you.
After reading some of the post, i realized that ive changed. Changed to a better person, I am probably molded by my surroundings, my friends, the comments people give and many more.
Or maybe because now, my focus is blurred again. I need to clear the fog and find a new focus! It's okay if its blurred, as long as you are determined to clear it, you will always have a goal behind the fog.
See how greatly friends can influence you. From the way you talk, dress, play, think and many more. In one way or another, I hope that we can help each other either directly or indirectly.
Thank you.
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