Friday 23 August 2013


hello friday 9pm now, just had dinner and came back home.
3 more days to hmt exam and we're done with this sem!
and i can finally say "I survived programme 4!"

haha mind still stucked on yesterday. really love bonding with other people like singing K tgt ( I will definitely go again, probably with more people!)

i really like chesheng sing haha just he singing doesn't matter nice or not, just him. hahaha maybe is because i suagu never see before then like first time see jiu so amazed! *.* like can literally go in love haha kidzz
haha anyway yonghan also la but maybe he shy or he first time not yet open up :P

haha ate the hershey gff gave and was like thought that, we like exchanged chocolate like that. i gave him boost and he gave me hershey ahha aww

i still got birthday present haven't claim ah! hahaha

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