Friday, 30 August 2013

We've been so far

After looking through selective blog post that ive written, im glad that I did start the habit to write something, or post a few pictures until now..if not I wouldn't remember what have happened till now.

Finally, we've come to the end of Programme 4, which is the toughest of them all. I know this is not a goodbye/farewell blogpost but I just wanna thank you all for making me who I am today.

This semester 说长不长 说短不短 4 months就这样过去了!
What I will miss the most is
1) staying back with ma gurlss for lab reports everyday in a week. Times like on a Friday, when we have dpp, the others stayed back to wait for us to complete our lab reports. And sometimes, we even ended up in school until latest 10 plus close to 11.
2) we'll always make fun of our maths teacher even though its bad. And we'll be chit chatting and pretend that tcher wasn't there.
3) we all work together as a group, and as a class we succeed together by helping one another out, eg, for common test, final exams.

Its the times like these make me realised that happiness can come very easily when you surround yourself with great people who can bring out the best of you.

After reading some of the post, i realized that ive changed. Changed to a better person, I am probably molded by my surroundings, my friends, the comments people give and many more.

Or maybe because now, my focus is blurred again. I need to clear the fog and find a new focus! It's okay if its blurred, as long as you are determined to clear it, you will always have a goal behind the fog.

See how greatly friends can influence you. From the way you talk, dress, play, think and many more. In one way or another,  I hope that we can help each other either directly or indirectly.

Thank you.

dear friend

Ended exams on the 26th and we went to Nex for lunch/dinner and walk around (Y)

Tuesday: i was slacking at home hehehe i dont remember what did i do but i rmb i almost quarreled with mum just bcoz im going malaysia the next day and we had porridge that night. and also, feeling so down that night bcoz I feel that i dont have that kind of friend that 24/7 talk with me to keep me occupied or like talk about anything so like nobody will rely on me for their problems so conclusion, I cannot be rely???!?! buzhidao

Wednesday : Noon already prepare to go malaysia he he he we so early sia! so when we reached there then we settle down for lunch at Zen shabu shabu restaurant (if i rmb correctly) yeah and it cost around rm21+++? hahaha do your calculations:)
yeah oh i bought 2 body shop products from there though dk sg selling how much  

ah then we walk walk walk that wyl bought shades necklace and ring and then we went to makan again!!
At a cafe which is special bcoz they don't display the cakes they have so....hmmm...kinda got problems ordering hahaha
but this particular cake is really yummy
forgot the name hehehe
starbucks some green tea thingy, not a fan of green tea (but im a fan only valid for pokka)

So after we realised that there's nothing to shop in malaysia CS, we left there and head to salon! HAHAAH this gurl wanna see me cut bangs so we went there hahaha wth. So we went from Kranji>Malaysia> Kranji>Boon Lay
yeap so my bangsss
 hahaha then she go sent to Cg1202 WA group hahaha nobody commented, VERY GOOD GUYS! :/

Okii then she wanna go Candylicious at Uss so we fly there... no la, then we take mrt there lorrrr
So Boon Lay>Harbofront
yeap yeap got her three chocolates already then we....
                                            yeap she's watching lanlingwang we were that bored..
AT 10PM...
Ahem ahem actually we waited for three hours for them to end work to go home tgt and for her to meet her prince WOAOAOAAOAOAOW
Was so tired already....
So Harbofront>Bishan>Admiralty HOME SWEET HOME

Hazwani's open house!! So glad can get to see the gurls again <3 <3
Goodies are awesomeeeeee and her mum cooked longtong for us YUM YUM SO MUCH LOVE :)'s a tradition to take picture with someone's parents and siblings to approve that you've been their place!! Thanks for the invite <3 <3

then me jos and joey went for dinner at yishun XINWANG yumyumyum
Yeap, so Cck>Yishun

ahhahaa i think i look so cute come come someone fall in love with me quick

most unglam gurl in the world, wears dress still sit until so unglam 

Friday: Woke up around 12 plus ahahaha omg this is life man!
Yep and i bought lunch kfc hehehe + an egg tart! love love portugese egg tart though i dont think the kfc one is the real portugese la haha
Oh ya jozheng gave me the link to watch movie online and until now i've watched two movies le! one is "Ted" and another one is "The Perks of being a wallflower" < reminds me of shiq hahaha
oh ya anyway the title was inspired by the guy in <Perks> when he always write diary but the starting line is "Dear Friend.." I'll rate that movie 8/10 okay la i almost cried at some scene but overall is quite good. For "Ted", it was like so many vulgars la haha how can a teddy say so many vulgars hahaha but i knew in the end Ted didn't die~~ :))

Recently heard JV 3acts all so awesome: 

Love love love guys with white suit with thin black tie SO HANSUM *.*

YAY LOOKING FORWARD TO CLASS OUTING  probably at Faheem's house?!?!? :))))
wanna find job during holidays also leh! hahaha unless i become famous blogger at home qiaoka blog also make $$ hahahaa

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Zen me

1) 怎么 剪了头发 变帅了
还是酷酷的 剃了头 整个人变好看了
可能不会爱上你 这几天 好怪
总觉得 你的 笑容 好灿烂 好好看
虽然 不是很close的朋友 怎么突然间 觉得你特别好看 怎么了啊我 哈哈 还是 那天唱歌的时候被你吸引了 哈哈 可能 我们前世是双胞胎 因为生日很近 可我还大你一天
海。。好想be closer to you. 我知道你是一个很好笑的人 狮子座 是这样的, 还是是因为我的关系 你不喜欢跟我讲话? 不知道勒 总觉得 你跟别人讲话 笑着笑着 总跟我比起来 有点差异 真的吗?
不知道 哈哈 喜欢你的笑容 和 幽默 哈哈 真希望可以跟了解你

2) 这个人好帅!! 怎么在考试最后一天才让我看见你 更 帅 了! 剪了头发 弄了造型 哇 好好看 人长的帅 会打扮 又高 又幽默 又聪明 哇 那里找啊 这种 差不多 十全十美 的 哈哈哈

Monday, 26 August 2013

Just remember I've always love you

Ive learned that im not perfect,  because I can't persuade or motivate others. But nonetheless,  perfect wasn't in my dictionary.  Just remember,  you are loved. Always.

Friday, 23 August 2013


hello friday 9pm now, just had dinner and came back home.
3 more days to hmt exam and we're done with this sem!
and i can finally say "I survived programme 4!"

haha mind still stucked on yesterday. really love bonding with other people like singing K tgt ( I will definitely go again, probably with more people!)

i really like chesheng sing haha just he singing doesn't matter nice or not, just him. hahaha maybe is because i suagu never see before then like first time see jiu so amazed! *.* like can literally go in love haha kidzz
haha anyway yonghan also la but maybe he shy or he first time not yet open up :P

haha ate the hershey gff gave and was like thought that, we like exchanged chocolate like that. i gave him boost and he gave me hershey ahha aww

i still got birthday present haven't claim ah! hahaha

Thursday, 22 August 2013


Went msia with yilin yonghan and chesheng! AWESOMEEE
haha feeling so brave :P
Anyway yh and cs are our guide for the day hehehe
was actually finding a stall called BOOST at some street under the scorching sun :/
yh at first say the stall actually is called BOOSTER
hahaha when we reached there, it's closed. :(
cause everytime people go there and the stall is closed, people pluck out on letter from the stall logo

Then we went sing K in a shopping centre and is like so much cheaper than sg la
We sang a total of 6 hours! BEAT THAT HAHAHA ALL C-POP THOUGH :p
Wah so honoured this is the first time yonghan sing k!!! *applause*
actually kan de chu la haha shyboi EXACTLY

had lunch in the k place.
okay if you calculate is 31RM with one meal one drink and sing until 6 hours WAHHH
haha feeling lika rich kid in msia haah kidding

so happy get to sing with cs and yh :P I mean, how rare this chance is? It's like we at first also dont know where to go de lor! it wassssssssssss funnnnnnnnnnn :))

we sang a lot of songs and now i have side effect *still want to goooo* tian hou / sang with yh shi zai bi xing / sang with cs
and many more la but this two is i most rmb de he he he
with yilin is a lot to list :P

yay this pic will conclude that we all had a fun day :*

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

"Bring Me the Night" - Sam Tsui & Kina Grannis

quite catchy song
"it brings me the you"
"coz' when I'm dreaming we don't seems so far"

beautiful day / study fpm

hi writing this is 2 days before fpm and i had a great day with all of you!
It was awesome for the fact that all of them are great friends to be with
esp guys, coz maybe with them you don't need to hide anything and won't have to think about any obstacles or any topics that will somehow trigger emotional or unwanted imagination..
:) That's what I like to be with guys hahaha but was with Eileen, Ivan and Asyikin too!
They are fun people to be with too:)

All the way~ fpm all the way.
Ferroro Rocher, M&m's, Boost, Toberone and more m&m's, m&m's cookies, stretchable candy that looks like yoyo and yet it's 50cents!!! HAHAHA must buy next time~!

We have like around nine people crowding around one table.. haha we can really squeezed like sardines :P
 but i will remember today- i make someone's day at least, i hope.

I didn't toberone have song hahaha was putting the wrapper on my middle finger haha then ralph say "if you want it then u should put a toberone on it" haahahaha keep changing lyrics, for the "Heaven" also, changed to "Library", become "we're in heaven~" aiya idk how to continue hahaha


Thursday, 15 August 2013

New habit

Have this new habit found out two days ago is to have a mug of water in my room :) I guess that's the way people do work or mug. (HAHA MUG AND MUGGING)
To be different (or perhaps im just lazy), I filled my water bottle with water and brought a mug into the room. So that I can refill yay

Happy Blessed Birthday Zongze. Couldn't managed to meet up with them for dinner but I know that they are gonna have fun :)

Sorry to disturb you I guessed I wont ask anymore le ba. Obviously~~ I know the reason why~~ tsk what kind of friend is this when it comes to situation like this

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

say forget already is fake one

yah lor seriously, say forget everything is fake one. I can still feel the impact last two nights...almost cry myself to sleep (and you'll never know)
Haiya wei shen me fang bu xia ne?
Wo ye bu dong..
I even dreamt of you two so en en ai ai. zen me ban ah.
Im like mentally fighting with myself.
People is coming to exams sick or anything else, Im like, near to exams, is keep anyhow think. Any shit also can think. Wth.

Monday, 12 August 2013


What most of you know is never what it seems. From the surface I look like I have a happy family and was given the best that I could ever have, but its not, in some other ways that probably you never think of..
That's why maybe I need so much friends in my life and I cherish them even more..

I'm not saying that I wanna leave this family or anything like that, I just wanna people to realise that what it looks like is not what it is. I know I shouldn't complain anymore because I have what I need, daily pocket money and whatnots, just wanna pour these out to make sure thst I can learn something from this.

I don't learn much from them, be it physcial, mental or educational.

Educational: My rents only taught me during my primary school days where I was forced to study and the way they taught was wrong..
I even had a few home-tuition  teachers which sucks. They forced you to study. I don't even wanna remember my childhood.

Physical/mental: I never would show my emotional side to them and I never knew why. Like heartbreaks, jealousy, what happened in school etc. I never tell them. Probably I didn't have the time to, or maybe because I don't wanna them to disturb or 搞乱 my emotions.

And there is much more about what we dint have compared to other families.

Ps: are adults all like this? Disrespectful to teens. You mean you're older than me so you dont need to respect me???