Monday 10 June 2013

Last week of school before study break

Everything happened too quickly, even faster than what I expected. Surely we had lots of fun this entire week. There are a few days we went home very late just because of work and tests. Oh not to forget the amount of work we had last week was piling...a lot.
We had like two tests, equiz, 3 lab reports, tutorials to chiong, presentation etc. But work aside, I think everyone did a great job by surviving and truly enjoyed the entire week.
Supposed to start school at 10 but started at 1, ended at 2. Hehehe coz no jack lai gsm. :-p
Did some touchup on our scrubber. Stayed back wanted to do hmt lab report but failed, wanted to do fpm lab report also failed.
So to not to waste my energy for bringing phone charger, laptoo charger, laptop and mouse, I did dpp while the others are busying on their scrubbers. It was raining. 
Nonetheless still did some review questions on dpp to revise for test on Friday and gavin joined me in the end. The  comes yh and preston. Hahaha we're like stucked on a particular question! (Which was similar to dpp test last question OMG)
Ya then at around six plus, gave tuition on dpp to firdaus, started at six plus and we ended at 10. Almost three hours of dpp "lecture" by doing the review questions. (I hope it helps la, if It doesn't then idk what to do hahaha).
After that went home with the five guys- Wj gavin yh preston faheem.  Preston took bus so the rest we took train tgt. Hahaha Faheem's scrubber machiam jet pack can shoot up anytime.
Oh I rmb this day I didn't had dinner and my stomach was like vibrating in the night around 2am.
We had a crazy taking picture session during euo lab on thursday and it awesome hahaha the unglam pics, photo bombers and etc, took pics with out models too! OH AND, my group's scrubber got 85% efficiency!!!! YAY SO PROUD OF MY GROUP!
Went for gathering and celebrated belated bday for jojo with hs zz cy hehehe
Went for zichar and its not bad! Hahaha then after that we ended up at some void deck under the block for them to play game lololol
S4 is so damn cool laaaa
Went home quite late also and I very late then sleep these few days.
Wore the nyp shirt with like 2/5 of the class hahaha and oh, we ended up leaving school at 11 plus due to modeling, singing, dancing lololol they are so funny. Phew completed the fpm report which was by that Friday. Was too busy to edit anything from the fpm lab report file so I didn't even open it, but I got download laaa (no la actually I very lazy also, was studying dpp ma)
Then sp4 presentation and woahhh we were so nervous lor. 
Dpp test was alright. I bet if I were to study more or know what's coming out or even try to pay more attention to the lecture even though it sounded boring. Hahaha oh sorry hmt, my sp4 group didn't even listen to your lecture hahaha opps. We were busy with dpp and sp4 laaaa (and we continued even during lunch break) its like omg everyone's chionging dpp and sp4 also. Three groups of people all at level1 doing work. In the end, I dont think the dpp test is very hard leh..its just, if you did study more, definitely A is not a problem. I think I'll get around B or B- for this time. Hahah talking about sixth sense or predicting future or anything, I think im quite good at it hahaha okay enough of showing off.


my scrubber :D

Titanic on land version lolol



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