Saturday, 12 January 2013

What is it that I don't know.

Is it insecure or is it overthinking? I have already figured out who not to trust....or maybe who I should avoid. I know by "don't trust those who lie and dont lie to those that trusted you".
Bitch please you're so disgusting.
Even though I have my "escape button" it was just for a while.....ok at least I have them. Sometimes some things just can't say.
Second week of school is like...I felt so worthless. Someone? Thank me for what I've always do?! No? :(
Maybe ignorance is not the right way
Maybe be myself is a better way
Nothing seems to feel right right now
But I know everything will be fine
Nobody can help me go through this
But it'll be better day by day
Sometimes we need to let go
To see what's worth more of our time
Letting go is not as easy as you think
But I'll try my best
Each day same drama
Different episodes same shit
No I'm not complaining
But why is she so irritating?
The easiest thing is the hardest to teach
Seems like everyone have their own weakness
Understanding is hard
I know who I can't trust
There's so much you can take
So many people are there for you
Does it even matter if one is out
I don't think it will work
You just wanna the fame
But nothing seems to be the same
We are further than what you think
Kind of worthless now
Still sacrificing?
Will you regret...
History is haunting me
C'mon let me cry
Don't do good anymore
It hurts when you care
It hurts when you don't
Maybe they are better
I was right

What are you hiding?

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