Monday 15 July 2013

Judgemental society

Everything and anything you do, people will judge. Ignore those promises saying I will never judge you coz it's in everyone blood to judge.
They can judge about everything, whether or not you're
1) guy or girl, lesbian or gay
2) Fat, skinny, anorexic, overweight
3) Dark skin colour, too pale, too white
4) Judge you by who you love, you hate
5) your family background
6) how you react to things
7) how you sing, you talk, you dance, you perform, you present
8) how you do this how you do that
9) how you sit, you stand
10) how you avoid awkward-ness
11) how you react to failure, success
12) what song you listen to, what book you read
13) how you cry, how you laugh, how you smile etc..
And the list goes on....

No matter what, they will have to judge you. It's like an everyday routine already.

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