Sunday 16 September 2012


I don't know why you wanna look at me like this.
Am I such a bad friend? No I dont think so.
I valued friendship a lot.
Ok, maybe its my assumptions. But you rlly shouldnt do that to me y'know.
Always, i'll be like "Nah, im okay. Just give me a moment and i'll be alright"
Who really understands?
Then everybody will be like thinking.... "Oh she's overacting again. What's new?!" "Attention seeker mode: ON" etc.
C'mon. Who are you to control my mood (definitely i got controlled cos i ain't myself JUST BECAUSE OF U).. Who are you to judge me and my friend. 

Sometimes I just want back my real life. I've been lying to myself that "oh, its because i haven't got used to the new environment" blah blah blah. You see, its been a sem already.

Four months. To summarize the whole four months~
Overview: 7.5/10
Include works and projects etc: 7/10
With friends 7.2/10

I know there are many people outside that are caring towards me. I never complain, or maybe I just want those who care, care a little not so-so surface only.

There are lots of fun with them. A bonded class. What else can you expect? Laughter and fun, joy and jokes. 

Im grateful enough. Thanks for that.

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